学院讲坛:Automated Glycan Assembly and Flow Chemistry for the Development of Vaccines and the Production of Medications


一、报告题目:Automated Glycan Assembly and Flow Chemistry for the Development of Vaccines and the Production of Medications



四、主讲人:Peter H. Seeberger教授

五、主讲人简介:Peter H. Seeberger教授,德国马普胶体与界面研究所所长,2010年被Nature杂志称为世界糖之父2006年担任瑞士自然科学院院长(类似于中国科学院)2013年当选为柏林-勃兰登堡科学院院士(德国三大科学院之一)2015年在英国《Medicine Maker》杂志评选的药物研发领域全球最具影响力100人里位列第7名,2022年当选为美国促进学会(AAAS)会士,研究领域涉及多糖化学生物学、多糖疫苗开发和药物连续流技术的应用研究,在学术界和产业界享有极高的国际影响力。Seeberger教授现就职于德国马普胶体和界面研究所,已发表550多篇国际学术期刊论文(其中“Science”“Nature”的系列文章超过10)。近5年发表学术论文成果153,其中含Nature (3)Nature Communications (5)Angewandte Chemie International Edition (13)Journal of the American Chemical Society (15)Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (6)等。此外,出版5本专著(《Carbohydrates as Drugs》,《Essentials of Glycobiology》,《Glycoscience-Biology and Medicine》,《New Avenues to Efficient Chemical Synthesis》,《Solid Support Oligosaccharide Synthesis and Combinatorial Carbohydrate Libraries》),授权50多项专利,发表会议论文200余篇,邀请讲座850余场。Seeberger教授目前担任国际著名学术期刊《Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry》杂志主编,任Chemical Reviews, Chem, Current Opinion in Chemical Biology, Chemistry & Biology, ACS Chemical Biology等十余种国际学术期刊的编辑及编委会成员。Seeberger教授的研究成果先后获得了超过35个国际奖项,近五年获得了包括埃米尔·菲舍尔奖(Emil-Fischer-Medaille),梅尔维尔·沃洛姆奖(Melville L. Wolfrom Award), 德国恩斯特·赫尔穆特维茨奖(Ernst Hellmut Vits-Prize),顾氏和平奖(Gusi Peace Prize)等有重要国际影响力的奖项。


Rapid preparation of polysaccharides is by automated glycan assembly (AGA) [1] using a synthesizer [2] provides access to diverse glycans as large as 151-mers [3]. Accelerated synthesis methods [4] now used to synthesize complex glycans including challenging cis-linked polysaccharides [5] are enabling fundamental investigations into the structure and function of polysaccharides.

Synthetic glycans are key in combination with single molecule imaging, [6] molecular modelling and other physical methods to characterize carbohydrate structure [7-9]. Currently, we use synthetic polysaccharides to address fundamental questions of carbohydrate structure, folding and material science [10, 11].

Continuous flow systems are useful for automated reaction optimization [12] and the modular assembly of active pharmaceutical ingredients. [13] have become increasingly interesting to practitioners of synthetic chemistry. The new “radial synthesis” concept enables the autonomous production of medications [14].